Tuesday, September 18, 2012

B Week Fail

It’s okay to fall on your face, right? I mean some days just doesn’t work. Apparently I was unprepared for B week more specifically Bug day. I can laugh tonight but yeah, it was a disaster.
First my wonderful husband painted my kids table this weekend. He spent a lot of time on it and I think it looks wonderful.

I went to bring it into the house but I realize because of the kitten Dart will not leave him alone and, um, we’re working on gentle still. But he will not leave the little guy in his bathroom. So I decided to go upstairs. Sounds good, toys to distract the little one too.

Cover table with paper (which Darth tore off when I went to answer the phone). Let Light tear apart an egg carton and color it to make a caterpillar. Coloring was boring. Dart discovered markers, got a little crazy and a little funny. He kept trying to put the lids back on backward but at lease he try to put them back which is more than Light did. I should mention too that at some point Dart started to try and eat the egg cartons too.

Gave Dart a ‘discover jar’ with rice and bugs inside it. This was met with a chorus of high pitched ‘ewwes’ and squeal and eventually avoidance all of which made me laugh hysterically. I’m blaming that on Light he screams when he see some bugs. Dramatic. Alright I say ewe a lot too with bugs but not high pitched like that, seriously he’s sonar, that was not me.

We did find a spider today, on the stairs. Grass spider it was gross and I couldn’t take a pic, cause I didn’t want to.
Then I tossed them outside. They fought and screamed over toys. Light would not share at all and ended up in time out, total meltdown. After lunch we all crashed and after waking up I managed dinner .Yay me!. But yeah, it kinda didn’t work today.

I'm laughing so much now. To top off the day as I'm nursing  Darth goodnight I asked about his nose and belly button. Hyped up from wrestling with brother and dad he is all to happy to answer then I ask him about the eye. He punched me right in the eye. I don't think he meant to but it didn't feel very good. I didn't get mad but I decided it was time for bed. And for Light (because can't do something odd without the other) as my hubby is getting ready for bed he find Light sitting in the dark on his bed....I don't want to go into detail but it involves poo. I don't know what happened but I don't think he was totally awake. When I figured out what was going on I totally burst into laughter and my husband followed my lead I think this made Light feel a lot better. I'm confident tomorrow will be better. 


  1. So in love with this Kate! I'm proud of you for finally taking time to write and do something you love for yourself. You are inspirational :)

  2. Thank you that means a lot. It's been a ton of fun to do too. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner.
