Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Montessori School

So I've enlisted in some help. I broke down and signed up for Light for school. I found a Montessori school in the area. Just down the street area. I feel slightly odd about the whole thing. I’m still working out if this feeling is just simply sending my little man to school or if my mommy sense is going off. The ‘mommy sense’ has been awesome to me since I learned how to listen to it. That’s the really trick, I suppose, learning when to trust that little voice or alarm inside. So when I get a weird feeling it’s hard to shake it.

It’s been two weeks and we've been really happy. I admit it’s been an adjustment. He’s gone 3 and half hours in the morning and I feel like I’m missing something the whole time. Often Dart and I run some errors. It’s really nice because it’s just one kid I feel like I can do stuff outside the home again. Add the Beco Butterfly to the mix has made my error running a breeze. I love strapping the little guy to my back it’s awesome. Mostly I get comments on how happy he seem. Alright, I have a happy kid, the Beco shouldn't be judged on that. I think he still likes it better than the stroller, he can actually see.

This is all in good timing too, for Christmas. Since I actually have a bit of money this year I’ve been happy take some pressure off in the creative department. Not that I’ll not make anything, nope, habit are hard to break. Plus crafting makes me happy and the receivers seem to enjoy it too, which only adds to my pleasure of giving.  

To top off the benefits to going to school I get one on one with little Dart. The teacher at the school lends books on Montessori as well. This was pretty exciting to me as we were on tour she handed the book to me and said I could borrow it. Titled “Teaching Montessori in the the Home. The Pre-School Years”  by Elizabeth G Hainstock. I have finally finished it and it’s terrific. It lays out Practical Life Exercises and Early Sensory Exercises. Most of the exercises are for ages from ages 2.5 to 5. Right about were my children are.  

So I’m by no means, not long homeschooling. Because children learn so much while at home that I think everyone home schools a bit. I've just got some help and that makes us all happy I think. 

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