Sunday, October 21, 2012

Clothes Gnomes

The other morning I realized Light had scattered his clothes all over his room and even had trail to the hallway. I asked him to pick them up and make a pile; this was met with much resistance. Instantly my mouth open and I was pleasantly surprised by what came out. As my mouth has opened of its own accord before without pleasant results I was extremely happy with myself. I told him about clothes gnomes. They hide under discarded clothes and that if he picked them up he might find one. Of course I had to detour the urge to simply throw cloth up and about. He searched and picked up. Unfortunately it turns out there was none to be found.  I told him to try tomorrow because he hadn't picked up everything and we were leaving.
That night I made him a gnome, two in fact. A couple. Easily painted to torso and used hot glue on the hat, trimmed off the extra.

I think they’re sweet

Then I hid her under a discarded shirt, I choose one that was behind the door because I knew it would be last. Sure enough he totally overlooked it.

When he did find it he was all smiles. To my delight he even played with her. She rode cars and motorcycles all day and even got to ‘live’ in one of his buildings.

To add to it I told him if he keeps his cloth picked up they will just appear on his dresser, in an effort to keep it tidy. Also, that the same ones may be prone to hide again, so I don’t have to make them all the time.   

Saturday, October 20, 2012

DIY Crinkle Tree

Babies love the noise plastic bags makes. Obviously letting your kid play with plastic bags is unsafe, well at least according to the warning on every bag you can find, and I tend to agree. So I have found that baby toys are having more and more of the crinkle noise to them. Feels like plastic inside the toy. Well that's easy enough.
While on my craft store trip I found this fantastic paper that matched the colors of the owl ribbon I found for the baby shower. So I just had to do another project.

I wanted to use felt to make one of the trees but a stuffed tree lacked appeal. The crinkle-ness would be a perfect touch.

I can’t figure out my sewing machine but felt works just as well with blanket or round stitch. However the only problem with that is that if I sewed plastic with it, it would show on the edges. Solution! Looking at the paper you can see that the trees have a line on the side of the top part. If I made this I would be using colored thread for the accent. This was the perfect place to sew in the plastic discreet and secure. 
Just cut a piece of plastic wrapper, so nice to re-purpose, slightly small then the tree.
Sew in on the one side. On the left you can see the stitch.
Sew side together. Ta-Da. I actually slapped this together pretty fast. I don't thinks it's all that shabby.

Then on the diaper cake it goes. I think it matches nicely. And I used the paper as a card at the top of the cake. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DIY Owl Baby Rattle

For a baby shower, I thought I’d just buy some gifts. But I couldn't help myself I had to make something.

 Diaper Cake, they are easy and awesome and always makes a good impression. I just needed to put something on it. I went to the craft store for supplies with some ideas in mind. I guess I should note that I’m a procrastinator so this was the night before the party too.

I first needed ribbon for the cake. I found the cutest owl ribbon. My inspiration.
Next I sketched out an owl shape on paper folded it in half to makes sure it was symmetrical. Then cut out the little pieces like the wings and circle for the eyes. All pretty basic shapes but I’m still glad for my artistic side.

I choose a golden color for the owl with brow accents

My original thought was to make a mobile but with the time constraint and large size of the owl I decided a different route. A rattle. I cut out a large neutral color and made a handle.

For the rattle to make a rattling sound I used an old hotel shampoo container and beans.

 Its larger than needed but it fits. 

Add some stuffing and sew it up.

Just add to the cake. Cute, huh?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

He's such a Doll

Recently we visited a friend. They had a little girl about 8 years old and a 2 year old boy. So there were all sorts of toys and to my surprise I turned around and found Dart sweetly cradling a baby doll. He even pulled a blanket around it and then tried to put it in a stroller. I was in awe.
Light had been given a cloth doll when he was small and it held no interest, in fact it was usually found thrown across the room. Despite my efforts the doll was totally rejected. All played well to my mother-in-laws amusement. She used to laugh and declare the future of baby brother or sister, thrown across the room. Honestly, she wasn’t too far off.
Light isn’t exactly oozing paternal or even simple big brother instincts. He’s a good brother but even his initial reaction to baby brother was underwhelming. Vincent reaction to babies is somewhat different. Currently we been hanging with a sweet set of little twins and Dart seem taken with them. He’s been seen covering with them with blankets and giving toys. Despite his general lacking in gentleness I’ve been impressed. He’s given soft hugs and even gentle whispers. Yes, my super loud Dart lowered his voice to a whisper.
So with all this info and an impending second birthday of my Dart, I’ve decided a baby doll is a perfect gift. Being that dolls are not all that masculine it too a little convincing for husband to shake his immediate reaction of ‘no way’. The conversation went a little like:
“I want to get ‘Dart’ a doll for his birthday.”
“Because…” some macho rambling, I kind of tuned out.
“Did you play with dolls?”
“Yeah, how do you think that help with practicing to be a dad?” This didn’t get any response. Hubby was pretty much clueless when we brought baby home. He’ll even admit that. Smiling I explained how baby dolls are great for boys too. Girl play for pretend as practice for motherhood, dads are just as important. Shouldn’t boys play and practice with baby dolls too? Also seems to be a good idea for a potentially, someday in the not so near future big brother.
What was his response? Simply, “OK”
I love my husband. He listens to me and understands. Kudos to him.
Sooo, now to find the perfect doll. My first thought is a plastic doll. I think life like would be best. Also anything of my children’s is almost guaranteed to get dirty, easy washing is a bonus. I love the idea of practice bathing a baby too. However, PBA and PVC are a concern with anything plastic.  
Sure enough, I did some research on dolls, and anything and everything plastic has BPA. This toy may not be a favorite but if it is and Dart ends up cuddling and carrying it every were I don’t want any toxic chemicals. So cloth it is. Still I want it to look life like and be nontoxic. I could attempt to sew one for him, but my sew skills are lacking. So it was shopping time.
Till next time. Hopefully I will find some good options.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Through His Lens

Light and I took a little nature walk while Dart was napping, just in the empty lot next to us. Don’t worry I could hear him if woke. But Light and I collected acorns;

Even saw one on the tree still.

Walked through the tall grass.

Even located a couple of long lost monster trucks. Fitting for the shirt Light was wear too, yes those are monster riding in a monster truck, I thought it was funny. Especially since kids can be so literal. 

Then I got brave I let him take the camera. I asked if he wanted to a picture of me.

And he did.


Every angle imaginable.

Every piece separate.

I love it.

Everything I showed him got a picture too.

This one was fun with the shadow

My hat


So interesting for me to see what he see and find interesting, I forget to do that sometimes. It's just hard for adults to see and feel like a 4 years. But getting see through is eyes or rather through his lens is a great start. Dare you to give a kid your camera and see what you get. 


Sure, we’re past A week. However, I saw an airplane book at the library and couldn't help myself.  This was a while ago but my camera was being testy but it seems alright now. Yay! I had already explained Lift, Thrust, Drag and Gravity before while letting Light stick his hand out the window when driving. He loved it. So this was a review with a craft.

I didn't know you could fold them so many ways.

On a side note I’ve make a good paper plane anyways, had to my husband how to fold them a couple months ago.

Light loved the ‘darts’ the best so I made a few for him.

Had to test drive them.

Best place from the upstairs balcony, of course.

So much fun, Dart was napping so it was just Light and I.

Even little kitten Loki joined in.  
Happy Days